Happy Wednesday!
Is it me, or does it seem like this week is d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g?
I had a few days off for the Thanksgiving holiday, and NOW I'm already looking forward to our holiday break. My hubs thinks I might be a little bit spoiled.
( He 's still bummed about having to work on Black Friday.)
So to get back on topic.... Multiplication Freebie
We just wrapped up our unit on multiplication this past week. My students will still be taking timed tests on their multiplication facts well into the winter, but we are moving on in math.
If you purchased my "Mighty Multiplication Task Cards" during the sale, I
have the multiplication assessment I created that goes along with it.
The task cards and test are aligned with the Common Core Standards.
The 20 question assessment includes the standards along the top of the first page.
Simply click on any picture of the test below to download this from TPT. ( I was having trouble with Google Docs so I placed this in TPT.) If you were having trouble with the download, it should work now.
The task cards and test are aligned with the Common Core Standards.
The 20 question assessment includes the standards along the top of the first page.
Simply click on any picture of the test below to download this from TPT. ( I was having trouble with Google Docs so I placed this in TPT.) If you were having trouble with the download, it should work now.
Enjoy! I hope you can use it.
More on Math:
This year I began Math Workshop. I usually do it 2-3 times per week. My students love it, and I love the extra practice each student receives. I can use this time to challenge my higher level math students, and I have needed time to work one on one with students.
I used the Math Workshop Rotation Board from the Clutter Free Classroom to help organize it all.
I needed a way to organize all of the station games and activities for each unit in math. ( My filing cabinet was beginning to look like a trash can.) I found these at Wal-mart. I've been slowly creating a tub of activities as I go through each unit. My math tubs are filled with activities that I have created, I received from other teacher friends and colleagues, or purchased on TPT.
Inside each tub, are large ziploc bags that hold each separate game or activity. I even used labels on the outside of the ziploc bags to keep me organized.
I use these baskets to help organize the different weekly workshop activities. They are from the Dollar Tree.
More on Math:
This year I began Math Workshop. I usually do it 2-3 times per week. My students love it, and I love the extra practice each student receives. I can use this time to challenge my higher level math students, and I have needed time to work one on one with students.
I used the Math Workshop Rotation Board from the Clutter Free Classroom to help organize it all.
I needed a way to organize all of the station games and activities for each unit in math. ( My filing cabinet was beginning to look like a trash can.) I found these at Wal-mart. I've been slowly creating a tub of activities as I go through each unit. My math tubs are filled with activities that I have created, I received from other teacher friends and colleagues, or purchased on TPT.
Inside each tub, are large ziploc bags that hold each separate game or activity. I even used labels on the outside of the ziploc bags to keep me organized.
I use these baskets to help organize the different weekly workshop activities. They are from the Dollar Tree.
By looking at the Math Workshop Board, my students know which station they are to visit that day. Even on the days we do math workshop, I have a short math lesson and activity. The last 20-30 minutes of math are spent on math workshop. Students usually get through two stations during this time.
If you use math centers or math workshop in your classroom, I would love to hear how you implement them. I'm still trying to fine tune this and would love to hear all ideas and suggestions.
AND one last thing..... I have been using this resource daily since I found out about it. It's great to make sure a text you are using with your students has the rigor needed for the Common Core Standards.
I've been going through my literature sets to make sure that they are at the lexile level needed for 3rd grade with the Common Core Standards. Just go to the site above, type in your book, and voila! It will show the lexile level of your book.
The resource below can be used with A.R. levels as well. I prefer the lexile.com , but I wanted to share this resource also.
Thanks for stopping by!
I would love to hear about your ideas and suggestions for math workshop.

Wow! Everything is so organized for your Math Workshop!! Thanks for the freebie...I can use it with some of my struggling kiddos :)
Fun in Room 4B
This week is dragging for me too! It is our first full week since the middle of October. Your math stuff looks great!
Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade
Love your organization!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Just a heads up, I tried downloading your freebie and it looked all wonky. I don't know why. Thought you'd like to know! I know I would! :)
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Woohoo! Excited about this freebie- one more assessment for my kiddos. We haven't gone into division yet, so I'll have to wait until then, but it'll make a great review at the time to make sure something actually sank in :)
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
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