I have enjoyed reading all of the posts about how many of you
use math journals in your classroom. Such fabulous ideas!
I especially love the interactive math journals that Rundee's Room posts about.
I just had to try something like this with my 3rd graders.
Each student has a spiral notebook in which I gave them the cover below to adhere to the front cover of their notebooks.
Then students wrote " Table of Contents" at the top of their first page. I had them save two pages for table of contents. Our first journal entry was on rounding which you can find HERE.
My goal is to have my students complete 1-2 journal entries each week. The past two journal entries we worked on took us about 20 minutes to complete.
On Friday, my students completed a journal entry on "Properties of Addition". For this particular journal entry students had to write the "Learning Goal" and "What I Learned". Most students wrote about the fact that they learned that with addition it doesn't matter the order of the numbers, the sum would still be the same. Other students wrote down the definitions for each property of addition: associative, commutative, and identity.
For the interactive part of the journal students created a trifold foldable. On each pocket students had to write one of the properties of addition: commutative, associative, and identity. I then gave each student colored cards to place inside each pocket. On these cards students had to write examples of math equations that went along with each particular property.
Students then glued the trifold foldable onto their journal entry. Take a peek at some student examples:
My 3rd graders are doing a great job with these journals so far. I am impressed with what many of them record in their math journals. It's been a great way for them to synthesize the information they have learned.
It's another busy week with my kiddos' 3 soccer games and practices. Our school is having a reading night this week also. I just had to share the card below for all of you Moms out there.
Have a great week!!!
My goal is to have my students complete 1-2 journal entries each week. The past two journal entries we worked on took us about 20 minutes to complete.
On Friday, my students completed a journal entry on "Properties of Addition". For this particular journal entry students had to write the "Learning Goal" and "What I Learned". Most students wrote about the fact that they learned that with addition it doesn't matter the order of the numbers, the sum would still be the same. Other students wrote down the definitions for each property of addition: associative, commutative, and identity.
For the interactive part of the journal students created a trifold foldable. On each pocket students had to write one of the properties of addition: commutative, associative, and identity. I then gave each student colored cards to place inside each pocket. On these cards students had to write examples of math equations that went along with each particular property.
Students then glued the trifold foldable onto their journal entry. Take a peek at some student examples:
My 3rd graders are doing a great job with these journals so far. I am impressed with what many of them record in their math journals. It's been a great way for them to synthesize the information they have learned.
It's another busy week with my kiddos' 3 soccer games and practices. Our school is having a reading night this week also. I just had to share the card below for all of you Moms out there.
Have a great week!!!

Love your interactive notebook! I'm using one, too and love the reflections that we get :) Love the ecard, too ;)
Awesome notebook! I have been using an interactive math notebook for the past two years and have loved them. Last school year I had my students keep them in their STAR binders so they went between home and school each day. I liked my kids taking them home because they could refer to it when they were doing homework. It also gave the parents an idea about what we were learning in math.
The REAL Teachers of Orange County
Love the idea of the table of contents! We just found you and are now following. We would love it if you stop by sometime!
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