Hi Sweet Friends!
I hope everyone has been enjoying their weekend.
It's that time again! Time to link up with Farley for the December edition of Currently.
I may have mentioned this before, but we have family traditions we do every year with our gang around Christmas. One of those is visiting a historic downtown community. It's complete with the old colonial brick homes and cobblestone streets. Every year after Thanksgiving, begins a Christmas tradition in this town. The stores along Main Street are decorated in Christmas greens, old time carolers walk the streets, Old World Santas walk up and down the cobblestone sidewalks passing out their trading cards, and horse drawn carriage rides. So today, we packed up our Armada and headed west to visit this Christmas tradition. Such fun!!
That's my Dad on the right...
Even though it's not even Christmas yet, I've been working on my New Year's Resolution. I signed up with my teaching friend ( who is next door to me .. LOVE!) to begin a new fitness class and fitness regimen after Christmas. I'm really excited about this! So today, my friend ( who has been in this program for some time) invited me to a workout session with the trainer. Wowsers!!! As we are going through the circuits, my friend and the other ladies in our small group are barely breaking a sweat. AND me... I'm sweating profusely and had hair falling out of my ponytail. I was one hot mess. I am stubborn and refused to give up , but those last 10 minutes I couldn't even finish. I thought I was going to pass out literally. My pride was just a little bit wounded. What have I gotten myself into?!
I've been looking for an external hard drive to back up my Mac. I generally keep my files on a flash drive, but after the incident that happened with one a few weeks ago, I realize my need for a more reliable back up for my files. Any suggestions?
Random Act of Kindness... we have an amazing day care provider for my children. She's amazingly SWEET and like a grandma for my kids. We love her!!! She's been having some health issues lately so I thought we would surprise her with some homemade chicken noodle soup. My kids are excited to help make it and deliver it to her door.

Gotta love Christmas movies! Good luck with your fitness program. I am in one right now & yes they are hard but so worth it. My trainers keep telling us that you have to fail to get better- meaning do as much as you can & take breaks when you can't do anymore then join back in.
Apples and Papers
Your blog is the cutest!! I love the lady bugs! Good luck with your fitness plan. -) My sister and I are your newest followers thanks to Farley's currently linky!
Sister Teachers
Bookmarking this post...my hard drive died a slow death recently, but luckily I sort of thought it was coming and saved everything elsewhere. (It was a Western DIgital, which upon reading reviews on Amazon, seems to do exactly what mine did fairly often.) So, I need a new external hard drive. Hope you get some good suggestions...for both of us!
I swear by Carbonite. It saved my computer when I was sooo upset and afraid I had lost all of my teacher stuff and pictures. Love, love, love it!
I am a new follower!
Second Grad is Out of This World
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