Hi Sweet Friends!
I am so excited to be hosting a Holiday Giveaway!
I am so thankful for all of my bloggy friends and followers.
You are all amazing! You have helped me become a better teacher.
I am so grateful for all of the wonderful ideas you have shared and your support!
I am excited to have such amazing ladies helping me out with this giveaway!
Thank you so much!
One lucky winner will win all of the prizes below.
3. $15 gift card to Amazon
AND all of these amazing units listed below from these fabulous ladies!
I have linked all of the pictures. Please click on them for more information about blogs and stores.
Lesson Plan SOS TPT Store
5. Sledding Into Story Problems Task Cards from Christi at Ms. Fultz's Corner.
Ms. Fultz's TPT Store
6. Winner's Choice from Michele at Run Miss Nelson's Got The Camera TPT Store.
Miss Nelson's TPT Store
7. Large Christmas Frames from Corinna at Surfin Through Second
Surfin Through Second's TPT Store
8. Winner's Choice from Heather's Kickin It With Class TPT Store.
Kickin It With Class TPT Store
9. Winner's Choice from Anna's Simply Skilled In Second TPT Store.
Simply Skilled in Second's TPT Store
10 And finally " Gingerbread to the Core Literacy and Writing Unit for Bigger Kids"
created by me.
Link to my TPT Store
The Giveaway ends Monday, November 26 at midnight. The winner should be announced Tuesday evening. Please enter by using the Rafflecopter below. a Rafflecopter giveaway
5. Sledding Into Story Problems Task Cards from Christi at Ms. Fultz's Corner.
Ms. Fultz's TPT Store
6. Winner's Choice from Michele at Run Miss Nelson's Got The Camera TPT Store.
Miss Nelson's TPT Store
7. Large Christmas Frames from Corinna at Surfin Through Second
Surfin Through Second's TPT Store
8. Winner's Choice from Heather's Kickin It With Class TPT Store.
Kickin It With Class TPT Store
9. Winner's Choice from Anna's Simply Skilled In Second TPT Store.
Simply Skilled in Second's TPT Store
10 And finally " Gingerbread to the Core Literacy and Writing Unit for Bigger Kids"
created by me.
Link to my TPT Store
The Giveaway ends Monday, November 26 at midnight. The winner should be announced Tuesday evening. Please enter by using the Rafflecopter below. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Although our boys know that their Christmas Eve gift is pajamas, we always have them open this gift! They are a must have for Christmas morning pictures!!
Ever since I was just a baby, my mom has always gotten a picture of me and my little sister putting up the Santa on the advent calendar she made. Over time, our pets have also made it in the picture too!
Teaching in the Valley
We always put up the Christmas tree and the other decorations up the day after Thanksgiving. Then, we play Monopoly :)
We always decorate cookies on Christmas Eve, even though we are all over 18. We even skype our sister in from Hawaii and she decorates her own cookies! haha!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
We always have ooey gooey sticky buns on Christmas morning!! Now that I am older I get more excited about them then presents.
Apples and Papers
We always open up one gift before we go to sleep: pajamas and red underwear (an Italian tradition for good luck).
Guess my family was not the only one with the tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve...and it was always pajamas!
tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com
Our Christmas tradition is to always go to Christmas Eve mass. Then we come home & open 1 present. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
We always have our Noche Buena followed by opening of presents!
We always put up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.
My father in law makes posole (a mexican soup) and my mother in law makes tostadas every christmas eve. It's one of my favorite traditions :) Yum!
We make homemade from scratch hot cocoa and start to enjoy Christmas with family and friends on Christmas Eve.
When we lived in Germany we had a very special cat named Andy. He was awesome! Unfortunately Andy went missing one day and even after putting up flyers, and combing the neighborhood for weeks, we never could find him. The kids were completely devastated, until Santa brought a letter along with the Christmas presents. It seems that Andy had wandered away all the way to the North Pole! He was having a great time chasing mice in the reindeer stables and Santa politely asked if he could keep him at the North Pole to help keep the reindeer company. Each year Santa brings a letter, detailing Andy's escapades at the North Pole, and Andy signs with a paw print. The kids love the letters and "another letter from Andy" is always the first thing on their Christmas lists!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
I grew up opening one present on Christmas Eve. With our kids we have Christmas Eve with my husband's family so it its necessary to have that tradition. However, their favorite is getting mama's present. Pajama's and their yearly ornament. My husband says my special gift in life is being able to pick out the prefect ornament for each one of our four kids and for our family ornament each year. Of course, we may need a second tree soon, they add up quickly. ;)
It is a crazy month, first thanksgiving then a birthday then 8 nights of gift from my husbands side the christmas eve and day gifts by christmas eve I give myself a pep talk..only one more day, one more day...last year my 3 year old wanted to light candles n january to get more gifts..ugh....
and...i can't enter to win your giveway...anyhow off to shop your sale on TpT
We open gifts before going to mass and brunch:)
We always went to church for Christmas Eve and then came home to a steak dinner with just the four of us. Then we'd open the gifts from each other. I kept this special time for us and celebrated with the rest of the family on Christmas Day.
We always have a Christmas Eve buffet, followed by church, and then the kids get to open 1 present each.
Put up our Christmas tree together!
We make and decorate gingerbread cookies together (among many other traditions that we do together).
A is for Apple B is for Blog
We make prime rib for Christmas Day dinner and a sticky bun for Christmas morning. Yum!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I Want to be a Super Teacher
I just moved to Alabama from Ohio and we're new to our house and to living together, so we're hoping to start some traditions of our own! My favorite at home is watching Christmas movies and making a gingerbread house! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
Miss V's Busy Bees
PS. The link to Simply Skilled in Second's TPT store on the rafflecopter is not working! Just wanted to let you know.
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