I hope the start of your school week has been going well! I wanted to share a few resources I have used with the concept of telling time and elapsed time with my students. We are currently studying time in math, and I have to say that I'm always a bit surprised at the number of students who don't know time to the 5 minutes in 3rd grade. Our math curriculum starts out with telling time to the minute, but I generally spend a few days reviewing telling time to the hour, half hour, and five minutes and working with students in small math groups on this concept before we jump into telling time to the minute. I felt like my students were excelling in this area until yesterday. A couple of my kiddos asked me "what time is it?" or " how much longer until lunch?" Our classroom clock is front and center for all to see .... my bubble burst. Below is a pic of our "telling time" anchor chart.
My kiddos engage in lots of practice with telling time. One great resource I have found for math and reading is SuperTeacher worksheets. You do have to pay a $20 annual membership, but with all the resources it has to offer, I feel it is worth it. I love all the extra practice on telling time I found at Super Teacher worksheets. There was an I have, Who has game on telling time. This game is "FREE" on Super Teacher Worksheets. You do not have to be a member to get some of the items. My students love I have, Who has. I also found a great telling time bingo game and some great practice sheets. You can go to SuperTeacher Worksheets HERE.
I also used the "Telling Time" pack by Melissa at Dilly Dabbles in our math centers and with my small math groups. These were fabulous for additional practice on telling time and elapsed time.
A pic of them is shown below. This pack can be found HERE at Melissa's store on her blog.
We are currently working on elapsed time. This is tough for a few of my kiddos. I created an I have, Who has game for elasped time. You can grab it HERE for free from my TPT store. I hope you find it helpful for your students. Let me know what you think!
I would love to hear from you about additional resources you use for teaching time and elapsed time with your students.
Have a fabulous evening!

My kiddos engage in lots of practice with telling time. One great resource I have found for math and reading is SuperTeacher worksheets. You do have to pay a $20 annual membership, but with all the resources it has to offer, I feel it is worth it. I love all the extra practice on telling time I found at Super Teacher worksheets. There was an I have, Who has game on telling time. This game is "FREE" on Super Teacher Worksheets. You do not have to be a member to get some of the items. My students love I have, Who has. I also found a great telling time bingo game and some great practice sheets. You can go to SuperTeacher Worksheets HERE.
A pic of them is shown below. This pack can be found HERE at Melissa's store on her blog.
We are currently working on elapsed time. This is tough for a few of my kiddos. I created an I have, Who has game for elasped time. You can grab it HERE for free from my TPT store. I hope you find it helpful for your students. Let me know what you think!
I would love to hear from you about additional resources you use for teaching time and elapsed time with your students.
Have a fabulous evening!

If you're still interestd in receiving your gift from my giveaway, send me your email address. Not sure if you got my previous comment that YOU WON!!! :)
For the record I hate teaching elapsed time to third graders!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Krista, I am also working on elapsed time this week. You can check out the Scoot game I made here.
Elapsed Time
I love your I have ...Who Has? and plan to use it tomorrow. Thanks for sharing!
Confessions of a Teaching Junkie
I can't wait to use your freebie in with my students! I am your newest follower and love your blog design! I am so glad you commented on my blog Sweet Seconds because I can explore yours now. I barely scratched the surface of my on going closet organization over spring break. I am now in your boat ~ it's on the summer to do list! By the way, when I clicked on your blog name link thingy (thats my techy language) it said it couldn't be opened - I noticed there was an apostrophe at the very end of the url that wasn't opening. Once I deleted that extra apostrophe it work alike a charm! Just thought you should know :)
Sweet Seconds
Thanks for this ideas its very interesting and useful..They help for kind and teachers...Thanks for this blog...I am newest follower and love your blog design...Thank for blog....
Multiplication Worksheets
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