Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wild Wednesdays

What is it with Wednesday mornings?!!  It seems as if something unexpected always seems to begin this day.  Not that I don't mind the unexpected.. just not this kind of unexpected. This morning it began with a call from my fabulous sitter letting me know she was not feeling well.  PANIC coursed through my veins because all my friends worked... who could I get to stay with my youngest while I went to work.  AFTER ALL... we were testing today... I JUST had to be at school.  I had TEN minutes to figure something out and QUICK while getting four children out the door.  .... Fortunately the problem was resolved within minutes.. as my youngest was able to spend the day with Grandma and Grandpa who live about 45 minutes away.  

Even though my kiddos haven't been able to do our space or literature units this week, they are still having fun.  Take a peek.......

Time for a brain break

... And who said testing week wasn't fun?!!

 The best news is... we only have two more tests to go!!!

I've managed to get many things done during testing week.  Take a peek at one of my common core posters I have hanging on the wallMy students are very curious about this "Common Core"stuff...   Unfortunately our color copier is not working and when I took it to our local copy store to have color copies made... the font did not copy correctly.  I now have 2nd grade common core posters on my TPT store.  Click Here to check them out!
Don't forget about the Giveaway that ends tonight.  Check it out here!

Have a wonderful Wednesday evening!


Unknown said...

Hi Krista!

Thanks for following me. I'm following you in return ;)

Grow Up Learning
Grow Up Learning Facebook Page

Barbara L said...

Hi Krista,
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
I'm following you now, too!
Grade ONEderful

Courtney said...

Hi Krista,

Wow! A flashmob done by the teachers?! Sound fun and funny for the kids :P hah.

Teaching in Paradise