Have you used paper bags in your classroom recently? As most of you know... those brown lunch sacks aren't just for lunch anymore. Ever since I attended a workshop a couple of years ago in which the presenter gave me a glimpse of the possibilities of these paper bags, I've been using them for all kinds of projects at home and at school. I'm hooked on Paper Bag Albums!!
These are so EASY to make. All you need are 4 brown lunch sacks to make 1 album.
Step 1: Lay the first paper sack down with the flap on the left side facing "up".
Then rotate the other sacks with flap on right then left and so on.
Step 2: Fold the paper sacks in half
Step 3: Place 3 hole punches in the folded paper sacks and tie with ribbon.
Voila! You know have a paper bag album in which the possibilities are endless!!
Just a few of my favorite ways to use these paper bag albums:
1. We are working on an alphabet paper bag album at home right now. My son also cuts out photos from some magazines of the alphabet sounds and places them in the appropriate pockets that are made from the paper bag album. He is creating his own masterpiece while working on his alphabet and fine motor skills. Bonus!!
2. A sports album
If your family is like mine, we have oodles of those sports' trading card pictures of friends from each season whether it be soccer, football, and baseball. The paper bag album would make a perfect sports album for these cards. I created a cover page and autograph pages to add to these sports' albums. Then the trading card could be adhered to the page or placed in the pocket of the album. You can get this FREEBIE sports album here or by clicking on the photos below.
3. School Albums
I have used these paper bag albums in all areas in the classroom. We've used them as a home for fold-its that go with literacy units, science units, and social studies units. I also created a Back to School Album that documents the entire year a couple of years ago as well.
I gave this unit a complete new look!
You can see more of this album by clicking HERE or on the photo above.
I would love to hear how you use paper bag albums!

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