It's October baseball , and
I'm loving it!
I'm sure you've heard me go on and on about my favorite team...
the St. Louis Cardinals.
the St. Louis Cardinals.
In honor of October baseball and the fact
that my kiddos are working on 2-3 digit subtraction with regrouping,
I created an All-Star subtraction math station unit.
AND of course the graphics are in my favorite team colors...
red and white.
As we began subtraction, I shared with my students
the subtraction poem below. Even now, as they are working on a subtraction activity in class,
I can overhear many of them chanting these rhymes. LOVE it!
I even had my students put this poem in their interactive math journals. Thanks Elizabeth ,Fun in 4B, for this fabulous idea!
As always, my students do the best when we practice, practice, and PRACTICE. We play games like math baseball ( so much fun this time of year), and I also have my students spend time on practicing their basic subtraction facts.
During our subtraction unit, we also discuss word problems and key words found in word problems. Since we have already worked on addition, I have students sort the key words used in addition and subtraction problems. They also created a foldable of these key words for their interactive math journals.
Click on the picture above if you would like to download a copy.
Click on the picture above if you would like to download a copy.
Here's a peek of my little sluggers at work on their All-Star stations. This has been a great to use with math workshop.
" Old Baseball" card game - double digit subtraction with regrouping
Hit a Home Run with True/False- double digit subtraction with regrouping
Pitching Match-Up Word Problems- 2 and 3 digit subtraction with regrouping
Hit a Home Run with True/False- double digit subtraction with regrouping
Pitching Match-Up Word Problems- 2 and 3 digit subtraction with regrouping
Double Play Ball with addition and subtraction words
You can grab this " Home Run Derby" subtraction card game for free by clicking on the picture below. It is a "scoot" game to use with the whole class or in a small group with math workshop. It's subtraction with zero.
If you would like to find out more about the All-Star Subtraction Activities unit click on any picture below.
I will send the first 3 people to comment on their favorite sport the All Star Subtraction unit. Please don't forget to leave me your e-mail.

My favorite sport is swimming! Loved the Olympics, naturally!
tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com
I am not a huge sports fan. . although I do like to watch the Olympics to see how everyone does. If my kids are playing, I like to go watch. But more often I spend my time talking with the other moms!! ha ha!
This unit looks great. My kids love the Scoot games.
Thanks for offering a freebie!
Second In Line
I love hockey and I'm upset that they may not play this year!!
ps these games look awesome :)
I never make it :( lol bu my favorite sport is volleyball or basketball :) Take care, Krista! Looks awesome!
I am always too late! As a Yankee fan I love your baseball theme!
I am always too late! As a Yankee fan I love your baseball theme!
I think my class will LOVE these activities! I am just starting my subtraction unit and this will spice it up!
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