Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Second Grade Educents Bundle

Have you heard about this AH-MAZING bundle that Educents is offering?  If you are a 1st,  2nd, or even a 3rd grade teacher you will want to check out this great deal on 24 products for your classroom. These products will fit perfectly into your curriculum  for math, writing, reading stations, and social studies and science.

I am very excited to be a part of the bundle with Educents!  I know you will love my Biography Mega Pack Research Investigations and Writing Unit.

Do your students enjoy lap books and other fun projects? This 47 page unit is packed with fun and engaging ways to teach your students about biographies.
 Included in this unit are:

* 7 slide power point presentation on biographies with student friendly examples

*A Famous Person Biography Lap Book project- It includes a rubric for assessment and teacher guide.

* Interview in a Bag Biography Project- It includes a rubric for assessment and a teacher guide.

*Me In Pictures Autobiography Project- This includes a rubric for assessment and a teacher guide.
Famous Person Biography Lapbook project

Interview In a Bag Biography Project

All About Me Autobiography Picture Album

You can find out how I used this unit in my classroom by clicking HERE to read my "All About Biographies" post.

There are 23 other products in our bundle to get your kids learning!  Hop along to see the next set of goodies that you will receive by clicking on the link below.

2nd Grade Pig Pen
But that's not all!   I am giving you a chance to Pin It to Win It (well you win any item from my store.)  Pin any image from my blog and enter below to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The deal won't last long so head over now!


  1. Krista I love this! Can't wait to see all the others.
    LMN Tree

  2. The lapbook looks FABULOUS!!! What a great idea for students!

    Extra Special Teaching

  3. I love all the fabulous foldables! What a great project to learn about biographies!


  4. I LOVE lap books and all the activities you included! In GA we study several historical figures so this would be perfect!

  5. This is so great! Thanks :) can't wait to use it with my class!

    good enough teacher
