Monday, September 2, 2013

Currently... September

Hi Dear Friends!!!
It's been awhile since I posted.  I have been STRESSED out since school has begun.  
I've finally convinced myself that I can't do everything and that something has to give.  So.... that something has been my blog. 
With this 3 day weekend, I am rested and ready to go.  So I couldn't wait to link up with the amazing Farley for her September Currently.

Here's my September Currently: 
There's nothing better than listening to your children play ( and get along... no fighting!).  My two youngest boys love to play with their army men and set up their battle lines.  I LOVE that they have developed such a sweet and loving friendship.  

I was so blessed to get away this weekend with my hubs to the beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia.  We also spent some time at Tybee Island.   I fell in love with this beautiful southern city IMMEDIATELY.  My hubs and I are ready to retire in Savannah.  I loved hearing about and experiencing the history of this amazing city along with touring those beautiful city squares.

AND the food was amazing! 

I had a "to do" list 3 post it notes long on what I wanted to accomplish for school while waiting at the airport for our flights.  I got none of it done.  So... it'll be a late night tonight.

My friend "Mac" is in need of repairs or retirement.  I love "Mac", but his screen must have had some damage as I have a beautiful star all over my screen. AND it keeps growing!
**Big Tears**

AND for me:
1.  10 pm  lights out at least 3 times a week -  I've been staying up way too late since school has begun.  I wait until I tuck my little darlings in before I begin my school work.  I lose track of the time and find myself up past midnight sometimes.  It is making me SO exhausted.
2.  I have been creating my own stress since school has begun by giving myself deadlines for creating new units, blogging, and other school work.  I HAVE to stop this.  So at least one night a week, is a work free night.  No grading papers, no working on products, NOTHING that is work related for me.
3. Read for enjoyment.  There are so many books on my list that I want to read.  I find myself only reading over summer and Christmas break.  I want to change that.  I've never read the book " Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil".  Now that I've visited Savannah, this book is loaded onto my ipad.   I can't wait to dive into this book!

Don't forget to check out all the September Currently's by clicking on the link below.

Have a great week Friends!!


  1. Savannah is one place I really want to visit!!! It looks like so much fun!!!

    Come By and Visit My Blogs!
    ”Dots” of Fun!
    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  2. Your goals are so great! I think I should implement some of those in my life too :)

    A Little Bird in Third

  3. Good for you- taking care of yourself! We aren't able to fully care for our students or our families if we neglect ourselves! Stick to those goals- they are good ones! :)
    Light A Fire

  4. I love your for me. I need those three also!

    Rosie's Rambles
