Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Made It- Math FREEBIES

Happy July 1st everyone!
I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for another Monday Made It.
I just love these Monday Made It's, don't you?
 This week my Monday Made It's are all math themed.
School begins August 13th in my district, but our building has already had its summer cleaning, Teachers can now go in to prepare their classrooms.  Woot!  Woot!  
I like to S-L-O-W-L-Y prepare my classroom for the new school year.  I just go in for a few hours once or twice a week and work on a particular area.  This week I hope to work on my Math Centers/Workshop area along with its storage. So I spent this time creating items I plan on using in this area.  I hope to have pictures posted by the end of the week of this area.

1.  FREE Chalkboard Math tub labels
I purchased several plastic 12 qt tubs to store my math items in that I use with math workshop.  This helps me keep everything in one organized place.  I created labels to attach to these containers.  You can grab them for FREE by clicking HERE or on the picture below.

2.  MATH Workshop Storage Posters-Chalkboard style
I mentioned in Friday's post that I had purchased these wire storage crates below from Amazon.  I created math storage posters to hang above each crate and on the baskets that hold the materials for math workshop for each particular day.

You can check out how I plan to use these posters HERE.
You can download these posters for FREE by clicking HERE or on the picture above.

3. Math Centers Board- Chalkboard Style
I used math centers/workshop last year with my 3rd graders.  I implemented this 2 days a week, and LOVED it.  I wanted to revamp my math  board using the chalkboard style.  I kept all of my math labels, math posters, and math centers board matching this particular style.
I don't have any good pictures yet of my board, but tried to lay everything out on my kitchen counter at home so that you could see how I set up this rotation.  I also made chalkboard bunting that says "Math Workshop" to place above my math board.
I apologize for the poor quality of these photos.
You can download this math centers board for FREE.  You can find it on my Facebook Fan Page.  Just click on the blue tab that says "For You".  This will be available for only a very short time.
4.  I also copied and laminated my Back to School Math Workshop Activities for 3rd grade. 
You can find out more about this unit by clicking HERE.
Have a great week everyone!  Don't forget to click on the Monday Made It linky button above to check out everyone's fabulous ideas. I hope to post pics soon of my math workshop area and how I implement this in my 3rd grade classroom.  Check back tomorrow to find out the winner(s) of the Bloglovin' Giveaway. 


  1. Thanks for sharing! I would like to start implementing math workshop in my classroom in September. Two days a week sounds perfect!

    Grade 4 Buzz

  2. I grabbed your cute labels on FB yesterday. I am reading Math Workstations right now and can't wait to start setting up for my math rotations :) Thanks for sharing all you hard work!

  3. Your math rotation signs look fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  4. You have been quite busy! I really like your math workshop products. :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  5. Your labels are super cute! Thanks for linking them up:) Love your math workshop board too!

    4th Grade Frolics

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