Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wonders Pacing Guide

Hi Dear Friends!

If you've been following this little ole' blog for awhile now, you'll know that my school district adopted the McGraw-Hill Wonders curriculum last year.  Now that I have one full year with this series under my belt, I feel better prepared for what I NEED to do/ WANT to do with this series to help it blend with my teaching style.

So.. I sat down and created a pacing guide that I could follow this year. When we first began the series last year, each week for me was more like 10 days.  Everything was so new to our kiddos and they needed extra practice and a slower pace.  This year it is much different.  I LOVE to use stations and more hands on activities with the Wonders series to change things up a bit.     I created a 7 day pacing guide for each week in our series.  I'm still making sure I get in the skills, vocabulary, and stories, but I'm making it fit "me" and my teaching style.   ( I should preface this by saying the district I teach in does not require that we teach things exactly from the series, but make sure we hit the skills that are with each week.)   I also have been teaching a novel/literacy unit at the end of each unit.  The kids love it!  AND... it's a nice break from the reading series.      By the end of the school year, I will have completed 4 Wonders Units and 4 literacy units.    (My admin. asks that we get through 4 units of the Wonders during 1 school year.)

So, here's the  7 day pacing guide I created for myself.  I simply copy one for each week, pencil in the information with stories we will read and the activities that we will do with each skill.  Then I 3 hole punch this pacing guide and place in my lesson plan binder. 
You can click HERE or on each picture above to download my 7 day pacing guide.

I have also created Wonders supplemental units that include fold-its with comprehension and skill strategies over the reading stories.  These work well in an interactive reading notebook.  There are also vocabulary activities that work well in stations, spelling tri-folds, and my favorite are the daily morning warm-ups.  These review the language arts skills that are taught in each week.  I also send home weekly focus walls to my student's parents.  These include the vocab words, spelling words, and skills taught in reading for that particular week.  If you are interested in finding out more, please click HERE to find these units in my TPT store, or on the photo below.


I would LOVE to hear how you use Wonders in your classroom, and what supplemental resources you would love to see for this series.

Enjoy your week!

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