Sunday, December 1, 2013

A December Freebie and a Cyber Monday Sale

Hi Dear Friends!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and was able to spend some quality time with your family.
It has been such a long time since I've blogged.  
I am sorry!  
Blogging has taken a back burner to all of my family activities. 
 I have truly enjoyed the break, and haven't felt the stress of needing to write a blog post in the wee hours of the night.  
With some wonderful time off for the Thanksgiving break, I feel caught up and can sneak a quick blog post in.

I wanted to share a little December freebie with you.  ( I can not believe it's already December!)
It's a December calendar set.  Just print and laminate.
 Click HERE to download it for free from my TPT store.

Have you heard that TPT is having it's annual Cyber Monday and Tuesday Sale?
This fabulous graphic is from Krista Wallden!!

My store will be 20% off during this huge sale.  When you add in the code " Cyber" you get an additional 8 % off of the items you purchase.    My cart is already filled up and ready for the big sale.

My favorite wish listed item is " Biomes of the World Flip Flap Books" by Simply Skilled in Second.

We are currently studying biomes in science, and I know my 3rd graders will love these!

Here are just a few of my favorite December products from my store.  Click on the photos to find out more.
 This is my favorite to use with my 3rd graders.  The last week before Christmas break, I use this unit in reading and writing.  My students loved it last year!  The best thing is that it is aligned to the Common Core Standards.
I also used this during the last week before our holiday break.  It was a great way to keep my students engaged during that last busy week!  It's also aligned to the Common Core.
I use these each morning with  my students.  I have them already on each student's desk before the bell rings.  Students already are well into their morning routine, and they know to work on these first thing in the morning.  It's a great way to review language and math.  This also gives me a chance to quickly take attendance, check student planners, and parent notes.  
I have the whole year of morning warm-ups bundled if you would like to check these out HERE.

Here are 3 of my newest products:

2.  A Multiplication Meanings and Concepts Assessment with Study Guide that covers Common Core Standards  3.OA.1, 3.OA.3, 3.OA.5, 3.OA.9

Happy shopping Friends!  Enjoy your week!

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