Monday, July 29, 2013

Made It Monday- Back To School Style

Hi Dear Friends!

I've been busy getting my classroom ready for a new school year!
I think it's finally ready now I'm working on our "Back to School Night" ideas and then lesson planning begins.

Best wishes to those of you who start this week! 

I couldn't wait to link up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for another Monday Made It.

For this week's Monday Made It, I thought I'd share the Back To School items I've been working on in my classroom.  A couple of these items are FREEBIES that I want to share with you.

1.  Teacher Contact Magnets
I wanted to give each student's family a teacher contact magnet at our Back To School Night.  I looked at VistaPrint and Zazzle and decided that I did not want to pay that much for business card magnets through them.  Instead, I made my own.  I simply created business cards in powerpoint.  Then I printed them on cardstock and laminated the cards.  I purchased magnets to add to the back of these cards.  I included my name, school phone number, e-mail address, school website, and name of school on each card.   If you would like to use the format that I created above, click on the picture below to download this freebie from Google Docs.  You will need to add a text box and select a font and type in your information on the business cards. The adorable clip art is by Krista Wallden.

2.  Rockin' In A New School Year Bunting
This is a photo of just a section of the bunting.  I plan to hang this outside of my classroom to welcome my students and their families on Back to School Night.  

I also created these cute Rock Star Buntings for my students to complete on the first day of school.  These will be displayed in our classroom.

Both items shown above are part of my "Rockin' In A New School Year Bunting and Back to School Bunting".  You can download this for free from my Facebook Fan Page.  Simply click on the blue tab that says " For You".  This will be available for free for only a limited time.

Click here to download this from my Facebook Fan Page.

3.  Glow stick Back to School Student Gifts

Each student will receive one of these adorable glow sticks on their desk at Back To School Night. This was so easy to do.  I found the idea from GingerSnaps Treats For Teachers last year.  I simply copied her free printables and then laminated them for durability.  I purchased glow stick bracelets from Wal-mart.  They had packs of 6 for $0.99.
Click HERE to check out the post from GingerSnaps Treats for Teachers on this cute activity.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Please don't forget to stop by and check out all of the amazing Monday Made Its by clicking on the picture below.


  1. Looks like you've been busy! Such great ideas. I especially like the glow sticks!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. The magnets are super cute. Thanks for the freebie. I like your back to school "glow" prize too.

    Wild & Fun in Pre-K

  3. The magnets and flowers turned out so cute. Your students will love to receive those.
    The Traveling Teacher

  4. I love your magnets. The ones I made last year were so boring. Thanks for sharing. I love the student gifts and the bunting.
    Lisa L.
    TGIF- Third Grade Is Fun

  5. Thanks for sharing all of your great made-its! Love the bunting idea!

    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers
