Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Workin' It Wednesday... AND packing for a tropical vacation

Hi Dear Friends!
I couldn't wait to link up with Corinna at Surfin' Through Second for another edition of

I've shared  a little on my weight loss thus far this year and some of my work-outs.
So this time I thought I'd share a little about some healthy eating choices.
First I HAVE to say that I love me some carbs.  When many people around me went on the low carb diets and etc, I said there is NO WAY I can do that.  None!  Well after nothing else has worked for me, my healthy eating is a mix of "clean eating" and watching my carbs.  I really try to stay between 30- 40 net carbs a day.  I do get a "cheat" day once a week.  But I have to say that I don't miss those carbs.  Seriously!  I would have never believed it myself.  The benefits of clean eating and low carbs completely outweigh all those deliciously sweet treats I am trying to stay away from.  I have so much more energy, feel much less bloated, and have a more positive outlook.  After one "cheat" day, I feel so awful and it isn't necessarily that I pigged out on this day, but the effect that all of the carbs have on  my body.

Here's a few of my favorite foods:
1. egg omelet
Okay, so I had taken a picture but now I can't find it anywhere.
In the omelet, I include one whole egg and 3 egg whites. I also add in 2 ounces of low fat turkey.  I use deli slices.  I also add in 1/4 cup of green peppers and 1/4 cup of onions.

2. lavash sandwich with unsweetened pickles
I love Lavash bread.  It's a low carb type of bread that is great for sandwiches.  I cut the piece in half and add 2-3 ounces of lean turkey and some unsweetened pickles.  This is usually an afternoon snack.

3. Atkins protein bar
I love the chocolate chip granola bars.  These are great after my morning work-outs.

I'm also Workin' the "Packing for a Tropical Vacation Getaway" with the hubs.  The last time we took a tropical vacation getaway together, we both packed way TOO much.  AND our luggage was lost at the tropical paradise's airport en route to the states. Actually our luggage was never put on the plane home with us.  All of our beloved souvenirs that our children couldn't wait to get ( I don't think they cared to see us ,but it was the souvenirs they wanted.) were sitting in the open air terminal at the airport.  A security guard called my husband a few days after and asked us to come get our luggage.  That is when my husband told her that we were back in the states. So finally our luggage came back to us.  Our kids were relieved to get those souvenirs.

SO this time, I'm only taking a carry on for this trip. 

Here's my new piece of carry-on luggage:
It's from Vera Bradley.  The hubs laughed when I said I was fitting everything into this brightly colored bag.

I was up for his challenge.  Take a look at all that fit into this bag.
In these ziploc bags I have:
3 swim suits
2 cover ups
2 pairs of shorts ( a denim pair and a white pair)
3 sundresses
workout wear( 1 pair of shorts and two tops)
4 tank tops
2 evening tops
a white skirt
a pair of white capri pants
and 2 pairs of sandals and tennis shoes
sleepwear and etc.
( I didn't pack a denim jacket as I would be wearing this to the airport along with another sundress and wedges.)

I had heard somewhere about using ziploc bags to pack your items in.  They worked fabulous because I was able to get out most of the air and really pack down the items.   
** I used this idea with our family vacation last summer, and for my younger children I packed a complete matching outfit in each bag.  All they had to do was get out the baggie and everything was in there for them.
So... here's what my bag looks like once everything is in it:
It all fits with room to spare for souvenirs.  I have room for my toiletries on the outer zip pocket, our vacation information, and for my IPAD.  I won't be taking my laptop on this vacation.  We need some down time.
Thanks for stopping by friends! 
Don't forget to check out everyone's Workin' It Wednesday by clicking on Corinna's link above.


  1. Great job on the clean eating. I try to stick to that diet, too. I really should try to cut down on the carbs. I bet that would help my energy level. I love your packing! I'm using ziploc bags on my next trip for sure! Have a great trip!
    Fun in Room 4B

  2. Oh, I'm one of those carb eaters that I'm just not sure could ever give them up. For instance, I'm eating really really well for breakfast/lunch today because I'm going to Olive Garden later and I fully intend to eat about 8 breadsticks.

    Good for you, though! I'm glad you've found something that's working for you and your body. Maybe someday for me! Enjoy your trip! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  3. I love your packing organization! I will have to try out the ziploc method for my next trip.

    I am having my first giveaway right now, come by and check it out!

    Lacy's Letters

  4. We are flying out to the beach soon and I'm definitely going to use your ziplock baggie tip! Love the Vera Bradley too. I have a *slight* obsession with all things Vera Bradley ;-)

  5. LOVE the Vera Bradley bag! Have so much fun on your tropical vacay :)

    The Littlest Scholars

  6. Love your packing idea! I so needed that when my kids were little! :-)

    My Kind of Teaching
