Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pigs, Spiders,Friendship AND EVERYTHING Charlotte's Web

Hi Sweet Friends!
My brain has been on overload ever since school dismissed for the summer.
 I can't stop thinking about the projects and things I want to create to use with my students next year.
So guess what I'm doing while my Littlest Darling is taking a nap or when all of my Sweeties are tucked in for the night.. including my Hubs?  I'm on my computer.  Ugh!

My first project is checked off my list... It's my Charlotte's Web unit.

I want to use this with my students at the very beginning of the school year.  Last year, I used the "Hour of the Olympics" by Mary Pope Osborne since the Olympics were taking place, but I needed something different to begin this school year.

I LOVE Charlotte's Web!  It is such a wonderful story of friendship, and that's why I thought it would be perfect literacy unit to begin the school year.  I spend a lot of time at the beginning of the school year promoting friendship and teamwork in our classroom.

I also love this story because I can incorporate some of our science with it.  I plan on incorporating our study of animal habitats from our science with this unit.  I also have several nonfiction texts on farms, farm animals, and spiders that I have to go with this unit as well.  I can't wait to teach this literacy unit!

Look at some of the fabulous finds that I hope to incorporate with Charlotte's Web this year:

1.   Decorated Classroom Door
How cute is this?!
I'm not sure who to give credit for this adorable door found on Pinterest.  When I tried to click on the picture, I was not taken to a link.  Sorry!

2.  Charlotte's Web book display in our classroom library
I LOVE this!  What a great way to get the students excited about Charlotte's Web!
This idea came from the Weymouth Public Library.

3. Fun writing craftivity
This cute writing craftivity comes from Rachelle at What the Teacher Wants.
If you click on the link above, you will be able to download the writing form and check out the cute pig craftivity also.

4.  Charlotte's Web online games
Click on the picture above to check out some fabulous online games.  I found Templeton's Word of the Day, Spell Your Web, Templeton's Trashy Poetry, and MORE.

5.  I also found an AMAZING online resource from a school in Missouri.
There are so many resources included on this website.  Just click on the picture above to check it out.

AND here's the literacy unit I will be using with my students:
I created a 114 page Literacy Unit on Charlotte's Web aligned to the Common Core.

It includes:
1. 45 page Student Literacy Workbook that includes vocabulary, vocabulary quizzes, comprehension questions, and language activities
2. A Story Element Lapbook on Charlotte's Web
It includes 9 Fold-Its
3. 3 "Close Reads" and Activities that go with Charlotte's Web
4. 3 Vocabulary Stations that go with each set of vocabulary words
The vocabulary stations are Memory, Race to the Finish, and I HAVE/WHO HAS
5. 3D Farm Research Project that includes a rubric for assessment
6. AND an assessment to use at the end of the unit
If you would like to find out more about this unit, click HERE or click on any of the pictures above.

I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions for using Charlotte's Web in the classroom.
Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Oh, my, goodness! I love, love, love this entire post! I'm wondering if I can make this work for the end of Kindergarten next year. I love, love, love it!

    Teaching with Grace

  2. I love your Charlotte's Web unit. Thanks for all that hard work!

    Teach on a Limb

  3. Wow Krista, this unit looks fabulous! Your students will have so much fun with this book!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  4. Oh I'm so glad I happened upon you {from The Second Grade Nest's Friends}! We do Charlotte's Web in 2nd, so I'm all for these ideas! Thanks! You have a new follower :)

  5. I just found your blog- What a beautiful unit on Charlotte's Web! Laura
