Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Workin' It Wednesday

Hi Friends!
Well, we are halfway through the work week!  Woot! Woot!
Actually, today begins my first day of "summer".

I couldn't wait to link up with my friend Corinna at Surfin' Through Second for her new linky party 

So I thought I'd start my first "Workin' It Wednesday" by sharing a personal goal I have been working on since the start of the New Year.   

My New Year's goal almost EVERY SINGLE YEAR is to lose weight and become more fit.  I have to say that I tried every year.  I even began running a couple of months after my youngest was born.  NOTHING seemed to work to help me lose the weight.  I tried several different weight loss plans over the years. It was so discouraging.

This year I was determined to try something different.   I got a personal trainer.  Another teacher friend and I met with him one hour every Saturday.  He also shared with us a healthy eating plan and helped me with a strength training work out.  We were measured once a month and our body fat percentages were calculated.  

It was HARD WORK!  BUT getting a personal trainer was the BEST thing I have ever done for myself in the area of health and fitness.  I understand the importance of "clean eating" and sticking to a low carb diet.  That first month was the hardest for me just getting used to the weight equipment.  I was always a cardio girl and never thought once about using weights.

I also had to juggle my schedule at home to accommodate this new lifestyle.  I prepared meals ahead of time on Sunday for myself and my family to make things easier during the week.  My husband was and still is so supportive.  I would work out each day after school.  I didn't go home first because if I did, I knew I wouldn't make it into the gym to work out. 

So after 4 months of working out and healthy eating, I have lost 21 pounds, 17 1/2 inches, and 11% body fat.  BUT the best thing for me is that I have so much more energy to keep up with the demands of my busy family and those of my students.  I also notice such a difference in my ability to handle stress and react to it.  

Here's my "before" photo:

AND here's my "after" photo

AND one more for Workin' It Wednesday

I'm loving that it's sundress season.

Here's my new favorite sundress that I wore to celebrate the last day of school.
It's from Old Navy.

Have a fabulous rest of the week friends!!!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You look great! Congratulations on feeling energetic and healthy. Personal trainers really kick your butt...I used to go to one and he had me feeling like I was going to pass out every time lol. Love the dress, too!

    Ladybugs Lounge

  2. Krista, You look amazing! I have been struggling for years with my weight, and seeing your success is so inspiring! Enjoy your summer!

    Mrs. Rios Teaches Second Grade

  3. Wow Krista, you look fantastic!! What an inspiring post. I struggled with my weight in my younger years and it is hard to find the right balance. Thank you so much for linking up. Can't wait to read more of your posts!


  4. You look fantastic!!! What an inspiring story, I am hoping I can do the same this summer-I've already started! It must feel so good to set the goal for yourself & actually do it! That's great you went to the gym after school before going home - I know once I'm home, I don't feel like going out to the gym. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story - have a great summer!

    Science for Kids Blog

  5. AnonymousMay 23, 2013

    You look downright amazing! I definitely need to get my act together this summer and your story may have just inspired me to do so. Thank You!

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Kindergarten

  6. Wow! You are looking fantastic. I think the change in your body language alone is amazing- I can tell you look and feel great! :)

    Congrats on all your hard work!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
