Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shopping Fun and Teacher Appreciation

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week Dear Friends!!!
Thank you so much for all that you do for  children.  
My children have  been so blessed to have such amazing teachers that have made such an imprint in their lives .  My Sweeties LOVE to go to school most of the time.

Some of my most favorite things as a teacher are those sweet notes that I receive from students.  Today a couple of my former students stopped by my classroom to deliver a "thank you" note.  These notes made my day!!

NOW onto shopping fun...
I filled my TPT cart up with lots of clip art and fonts during the TPT Teacher Appreciation Sale.
It's an obsession!

Look at all this fabulous clip art I found from Krista Wallden!

AND MORE clip art from The LibraryFox
 I couldn't resist these fonts from Cara Carroll
AND with only a couple of hours left.. I'm filling up my cart again.

You can check out what other goodies bloggers purchased on Blog Hoppin'

Have a great rest of the week!  Friday is just around the corner!!!


  1. AnonymousMay 09, 2013

    I got some clipart too! It's my new addiction!

    Ms. Cranfill's Class is Having a Giveaway!

  2. AnonymousMay 09, 2013

    Looks like you found some fabulous new clipart - I LOVE those colorful frames! I need to go check those out ASAP! I ma your newest follower!
