Sunday, May 5, 2013

End of Year Goodies and A Teacher Appreciation Sale!!!

Hi Sweet Friends!
I hope everyone has been enjoying their weekend.  It's been a wet and sloshy weekend here. 
 I am ready for some SUNSHINE.

If you haven't heard TPT is having an amazing Teacher Appreciation Sale on May 7-8.
This amazing button was created by Beth of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs.

This is an amazing time to stock up on items for the next school year, or special items to end this year.  I've been filling up my cart all weekend just to get ready.

Everything in my TPT store will be 20% off May 7 and 8.  If you use the code TAD13, this will make items a total of 28% off.

If you are looking for some items to end the year check out these:

This packet includes 16 fun certificates to award your students at the end of the year. 

This is the perfect summer booklet to send with your students to help them practice math, language, and writing skills during the summer in a fun way.  I also motivate my students by offering a pizza party to the students who return the book to me finished at the start of the next school year.

Here are some of my favorites from each subject area:

Social Studies
1. All About Communities




Enjoy your week!  Thanks for stopping by!

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