Monday, May 13, 2013

Division Fun and a FREEBIE

Hi Sweet Friends!
We are wrapping up our last full week of school!  My oh my has this school year flown by!
In math we are wrapping up our study of division.  I know it seems a little out of order since we worked on multiplication last Fall and are learning more about division at the end of the year.   Our state testing in early March is heavy on geometry, measurement, and fractions so I try to get that out of the way before I ever begin division with my sweet 3rd graders.

My students have been LOVING all of our activities on division.

1. Division Games
Listed below are a few division games that I have either used on the Promethean board for whole class or on the computers for station time.

I found Mr. Nussbaum's Learning and Fun site that has reference to many division games that  work well on our classroom IPAD.  Click Here for the link.

Number Eaters- this was great division practice for my students and used the vocabulary of quotient

Skater Math was another favorite of my students.

2. Picture books to use with Division

This book is perfect to read when introducing a division unit.

3. Dividing with Food
We've also been using lots of food to help learn the concept of division and division with remainders.
Check these out!

Divide and Conquer with Skittles

Fishing for Remainders

4. Division lap books

5.  Division Task Cards

I use them for "Scoot".

It was a beautiful day, so my students completed their Division Review task card activity outside.

Many of the activities listed above can be found in my newest math unit " Divide It".  It can be purchased as a bundle which includes 101 pages of games, worksheets, food activities, task cards,  assessment , and lap book all aligned to the Common Core.  The Divide It lapbook can be purchased separately as well as the Divide It Unit which includes everything but the lap book. 

To find out more click on each of the links below.
Divide It! Division Unit aligned to the CCCS
Divide It! A Division Lap book
Divide It! Division Unit aligned to the CCCS *Bundle* includes lap book

AND for a freebie that is part of this unit, here is the I HAVE/WHO Has Division Activity.  Click HERE to be taken this free download from TPT.  I divided my students into two groups to complete this fun activity.

Enjoy your week!!  Thank you so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Your lap book looks great! Thanks for the book suggestions, I had never heard of Equal Smequal before... so cute! I pinned this post to help me remember!

    Kickin' It With Class
