Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Five for Friday Time!!!

Hi Dear Friends!
It's that time of the week again...
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.

My students finished up their story element lap books on "A Taste of Blackberries" on Monday.  These turned out great! The students are now asking for a story element lap book for " My Father's Dragon".

My students spent their math time Tuesday completing our "Measurement Madness Math Stations".  Students were able to do the long jump in the classroom and even throw a paper airplane.  There was lots of problem solving going on as students had to measure the distances of their long jump or flight of the paper airplane with only a ruler.

Students wrapped up their biography project which was called " Interview In A Bag".  The students had to write interview questions to ask a family member.  Then after the interviews were conducted students had to write  a biography.  Inside of the paper bags, students had to select 4 items that helped depict their family member.

On Thursday, I was able to spend the day with my son on his field trip.  It was so much fun!  The weather was absolutely beautiful!

That's how I plan on spending my Friday evening...
We have a busy schedule with family events and then I always have a long list of school things that I need to accomplish, so Friday evenings is our time to relax after a busy week.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Love the story lapbooks. I have used them for the first time this year and my kids LOVE them, I also like them for grading purposes... everything in one spot!!
    So glad you got to go on your son't field trip, precious moments!!

    Kickin' It With Class

  2. I hope you spent a lot of time last night relaxing! After such a full week, you deserved it. I'm loving that story elements lapbook! So cute :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Your lap book looks so cute! What a great idea :) I love my Fridays too. I think it is a loungy weekend for me:)
    Have a good one!

    Surfin' Through Second
