Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Made It......

I dislike Mondays, but I LOVE Monday Made Its.
Thanks Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for this fun linky party.
 Monday Made Its were so much easier when the school year wasn't in full swing.  I was able to put together a couple of items  for this Monday Made It.

1. Math Center Starter Kit from A Cupcake For a Teacher

2.Writing Topic Cards for our Writing Center

Sorry for the poor quality of picture.  I had taken several and most of them were blurry except for this one.  :(
 This clever writing kit is from Lori Rosenberg

Don't forget to look at all the fabulous Monday Made Its by clicking on the link below!

1 comment:

  1. YOu've been busy. I still need to assemble mine :)
