Saturday, September 15, 2012

Field Trip ..... thank you gift for parent chaperones.

We just went on our first field trip of the year last week.
It was so much fun and a great learning experience!
This particular field trip fits in with our study of communities and the history
surrounding our town. We visited an old farm that is now cared for by the  local historical society. Each year the historical society holds something called " Harvest Days" at this farm. Many people dress in early American costume.  Students can visit Civil War camp reenactments, take a peek at antique fire engines, watch steam engine tractors in action, visit an old sawmill, and watch horses plow a field. Even though I have attended
this very same field trip for at least 8 years now, I always come back
learning something new. 
I did find out that our little 'ole town is the oldest recorded
Swiss town in the United States.

I'm always forever grateful for the parents who volunteer to help chaperone these field trips. After each field trip, I have my students write a thank you letter to the chaperones.  This time, I added a little something extra to the accompany those letters after this particular field trip.  It was SO easy and very inexpensive.
 I created a photo collage of our field trip and placed it in an inexpensive frame.  Since our school is sending newsletters and other important information electronically, I also included an attachment of this photo collage with my weekly parent letter.  I have had so many "thank you's" from parents for this photo collage of their child's field trip.

I created the photo collage using Power Point. I made a textbox  and inserted the name of the field trip and the year.  Then I saved it as a picture file.  I think it may have taken me all of 10 minutes to complete this collage.  I have this photo collage displayed in our classroom, and the students love it!

I would love to hear more ideas and suggestions on  ways to  say " thank you " to parent volunteers or chaperones who help out in the classroom.


  1. Love this idea! We're going on our first field trip next Friday and I'll try it out.
    I Want to be a Super Teacher

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