Monday, March 19, 2012

Everything's Coming Up Butterflies and a GIVEAWAY

First things first... Thank you all so much for entering my 100 followers Giveaway!!!  I appreciate all the kind words!   It's still not too late to enter.  If you want to participate in my Giveaway... Check it out HERE.  I added one more way to win by following/like my blog on Facebook. You can click on the link on the right hand side of the page or click HERE to find my facebook page. The Giveaway ends Saturday, March 24.  First prize gets a $25.00 gift card to Amazon and your pick of two items from my TPT store.  Runner-up wins a $5.00 Scrappin Doodles Gift Card and your pick of two items from my TPT store.

I promised my husband I wouldn't be a workaholic over spring break... but I just had one more idea I wanted to have ready for my students when they come back from spring break.... BUTTERFLIES!

I found some great resources while perusing the internet for ideas about butterflies.  Please check out the book that I have on order from Amazon.  This book is called Chipo's Gift by Deb Troehler.  Here is the book review from Amazon: "Chipo, an inquisitive mopani worm from South Africa, takes a chance and follows her dreams. As her curiosity leads her down an unexpected path, the lesson Chipo learns will speak to children of all ages. This read-aloud tale encourages children to see the world through a different pair of eyes and to acquire a unique view of Chipo’s life. The name Chipo (meaning gift) originates from Zimbabwe. While many children think of a gift as merely a present, when they read this book, they will learn that a gift can be so much more. A portion of the proceeds from each book sale will be donated to Beautiful Gate Ministries in Lesotho, South Africa."

I also found this weblink that has a free butterfly unit using this book.  The unit is geared to students in K-2.  I did find some great things to use with my third graders.  Here is the link:

I also created a Butterfly Writing Craftivity for my students.  Included in this project are the patterns for the butterfly, writing ideas, a graphic organizer with website information for creating a butterfly report, a creative writing butterfly story graphic organizer, and additional website links and resources.
Take a peek!  You can find it at either my TPT store by clicking HERE, or at my TN store by clicking HERE.  It's $2.00, but I have  a 20% off sale going on now at TN until Saturday. Take a peek...

I know that many of you already do this with your kiddos... but check out these "live" butterfly kits.  You can find them at
Have a fabulous evening!  Thanks for stopping by!  I would love to hear about your ideas/suggestions on units you have done on butterflies.  If you haven't entered my Giveaway yet, check it out in the link above and enter.


  1. I 'like' your facebook page!!

  2. Hey girl! You won my giveaway! Let me know what two things you want from my store! :)
