Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Made It

Happy Monday!!!
I was FINALLY able to get "my crafting" on over the weekend.
So I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for:
My Monday Made It's are all Christmas inspired.

#1.  A Christmas wreath

To make this wreath I found a grapevine wreath that was in our garage.

And added some floral pieces from our local craft store.

#2 A Gingerbread Man Burlap Door hanger

Didn't it turn out so cute?!  

To make this gingerbread man I purchased burlap, brown spray paint, acrylic paint in the colors of red, white, and yellow, some gingham ribbon, and a black sharpie.

Then I traced out a pattern.  I used some manilla folders I found in my school bag.

Next, I folded the burlap in two and traced the pattern and cut out.
I hot glued the edges and left a small opening in the side in order to stuff the gingerbread man.  I used recycled plastic shopping bags to stuff the gingerbread.
As soon as I had the gingerbread man stuffed, I took him outside to spray paint him brown.  This helps make the burlap door hanger more durable, and hides all the holes from the burlap material.  I sprayed it with two coats of brown spray paint.
Finally I traced the face, hands, and legs using the sharpie.  I painted the white trim, yellow stars, and etc onto the gingerbread man.  Finally I added the ribbon and the wire hanger.
Now I just have to figure out where I want to hang this little guy.

AND of course I finished up a couple of units to use with my students during the holiday season.  Simply click on the picture to find out more.
Don't forget to check out all the fabulous Monday Made It's by clicking on Tara's link above.  I can't wait to see what everyone has created!


  1. You little gingerbread is precious. I love it.

  2. Cute gingerbread! Love the wreath and the units, too :)

  3. The gingerbread door hanger is adorbs!!! Love your wreath too:) Thanks for linking up:) I liked your fb page too;) I just started one and still can't get the hang of

    4th Grade Frolics
