Sunday, June 24, 2012

Let's Go To The Beach

I have been M.I.A. lately. Thanks so much for begin so patient.   I truly thought it would be so much easier for me to blog regularly during the summer.  Wrong!!!  My family has been keeping me SO busy.  I'm hoping now that our family vacation and baseball/softball games are over, I will have time to blog a bit more.  :)

We just returned from the beautiful beaches of South Walton on the gulf coast.  It was so relaxing and so much fun.  Even though the forecast was for rain the entire week we were there... it only rained once in our area ,and we just happened to be visiting another beach during this time and missed it.  The overcast weather did give me some great photos of the beach.

Please stop by again soon.   I have some educational related posts planned for this week. 


  1. Just gave you the “One Lovely Blogger Award” because I always enjoy reading your posts.
    April @ The Idea Backpack

  2. Beautiful pictures!! It sounds like you had a great vacation!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. What a beautiful beach!! I just found your blog and became your newest follower :)

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans

  4. I'm with you about summer blogging! haha!

    Glad you had a great vacation!

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
